Liberalism Unmasked Page 8
Large online book retailers have been pressured by Leftist organizations to ban “problematic” books. The most degenerate pornography is universally available — but books with the wrong political message are beyond the pale.
It is important to note that there is indeed a racial element to this. Those considered to be white nationalists are silenced with quick action. However, nationalists of other varieties are left alone, and generally even celebrated. Jewish nationalists, black nationalists, Latin nationalists, Muslim and Arab nationalists, are all welcomed. Nobody is censoring the many Zionist organizations, Black Lives Matter, La Raza, the Palestine Liberation Organization, or the Muslim Brotherhood. However, if you are pro-white the Left views that as an existential threat to their hegemony.
The Washington Post ran an article entitled, “How do you stop fake news? In Germany, with a law.” The piece praises Germany for expanding their crackdown on Wrong Think by fining websites that do not remove “fake news” and “hate speech” quickly enough.53 And who gets to decide what is and is not fake news and hate speech? The same people that claim there are more than two genders, that race is merely a social construct, that unborn humans are not living beings, and that public beheadings are the trappings of a peaceful religion.
German heads of state are so dedicated to the cause of censorship that they have hired a former Stasi agent to patrol social media for “xenophobic” content. How appropriate, granting a former member of the communist East German secret police the power once again to hunt down dissidents.54
German officials behind the new laws claim that the rise in violence in Germany and across Europe is the result of increased “hate speech,” posted online. They actually have the gall to tell us that European citizens speaking out against the huge surge in rape and violent crimes, is the cause of the same. A United Nations Secretary General, a socialist, has expressed similar thoughts, by suggesting that the rise in global terror is caused by the rise of “Islamophobic hate speech.”55
In a similar act of prodigious stupidity, New York City mayor Bill de Blasio blamed Donald Trump’s “hate speech” on the rise of “hate crimes,” thus attributing one totally imaginary thing to another.56 This, despite the fact that hundreds of alleged “hate crimes” turned out to be hoaxes entirely fabricated by the “victims.” In reality, the Left fabricates hundreds of “hate crimes” with one hand, and attacks the Right with the other, blaming those they attack for their own violent behavior, and then using it all as an excuse to silence opposing views.
Sweden passed a new law which makes it illegal to criticize migrants, the LGTBQ community, or government officials.57 Even if such criticisms entail factual claims. Like the fact that the rate of rape in Sweden committed by Muslim migrants is over 20 times higher than that committed by native Swedes. Or the fact that the rise in rapes has been caused almost entirely by mass Muslim migration. Just for mentioning these demonstrable facts, you might face four years in prison.58
A police officer in Sweden is now being criminally investigated for speaking out against open-border policies and the crime they have caused. Officer Peter Springare did nothing but state publicly what everybody already knows. He affirmed that the investigations of violent crime he undertook per his detective job revealed that nearly all of the criminals are foreign, coming mostly from Muslim or African nations. For the offense of speaking the truth, Swedish government prosecutors are investigating officer Springare.59
London’s first Muslim mayor, Sadiq Khan, recently launched a new police unit within Scotland Yard specifically devoted to policing “online hate crime.”60 It goes without saying that hate speech laws are never created to protect whites or Christians, despite the fact that whites and Christians are in fact the most persecuted group of people on planet Earth. Reports from the Center for Studies on New Religions reveal that in 2016 over 90,000 Christians were murdered for their faith.61 Yet there are no special laws protecting them. We are seeing precisely what happens when a nation allows individuals with no connection to its own people or culture to make the laws and govern them. We hear constantly of the rise in antisemitism, Islamophobia, and “hate crimes” targeting migrants, when in reality, nothing could be further from the truth.
Liberals hide behind the guise of not wanting to “incite hatred” or to “insult” anyone; they use this as an excuse to incessantly pass laws limiting public access to data about their own victimization. This has never been about protecting a targeted group of people. This is simply about forcibly protecting the Liberal multicultural doctrine.
The same lunacy is rearing its ugly head in the United States as well.
California recently introduced Senate Bill 1161, the California Climate Science Truth and Accountability Act of 2016. The new act would allow those who spoke out against the accepted “truth” of climate change to be sued for damages.62 “Fraud” in regard to climate change would be grounds for prosecution. Liberals have even suggested jail time as an appropriate penalty for so much as challenging the climate narrative
Liberals would love to see us all in Room 101 or reeducation camps, so that we can learn what is politically correct — just as their Bolshevik forefathers once did.
Interestingly enough, when it came to light that the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) had manipulated data in their report for the United Nations 2015 climate conference in Paris, Liberals did not seem particularly interested in the news. NOAA was found to have been emphasizing and omitting data in order to exaggerate the effects of global warming, while downplaying the slowdown in warming patters.63
Where are the outraged Leftist organizations that claim to protect civil liberties during these blatant assaults on our freedom? They are naturally off supporting bills like the Anti-Semitism Awareness Act of 2016, which seeks to shut down criticism of Israeli foreign policy in higher education. This bill, which arose after pro-Palestinian activists dared protest the conflict between Israel and Palestine, makes “demonizing Israel” a legitimate cause for investigation of college students.64
Pro-Israeli lobbyist groups like The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) provide incredible financial incentives to sway our politicians to create laws prohibiting criticism of the foreign policy of foreign nations.65 This is unacceptable: nobody, no idea, and nothing, is above criticism. Groups like the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) are merely organizations furnishing weapons for the illegitimate war on Crime Think. The bills they urge Congress to pass are nothing but tools to police and humiliate dissenting opinions.
The same Liberal organizations that claim to support the protection of civil liberties are on the forefront of every movement to undermine them. No matter what they claim, it is clear from their actions that these virulent organizations do not support free speech whatsoever. They support approved speech, speech which does not threaten their narrative. And it is well worth asking why they find this so necessary. If Liberals were on the right side of the issues, if they had nothing to hide with regard to foreign conflicts, crime data, and migrant data, if they had the truth on their side, why would they go through such extreme lengths to ensure that nobody speaks about these topics?
It’s incredibly telling that in America, you can freely criticize American foreign policy. Yet if you criticize the foreign policy of Israel, a country on the other side of the planet, groups with hundred-million-dollar budgets immediately lobby Congress to silence you. And our politicians, in an incredible show of cowardice and greed, capitulate. The US State Department even has an entire department called The Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism. Our tax dollars are going to provide programs ensuring that certain foreign peoples are not having their feelings hurt. In America.
The absurdity of the situation is incredible. Imagine if there were a massive pro-Russia lobby that made it illegal to disagree with or criticize Russian foreign policy. Or what if there were a white anti-hate bill passed that co
uld fine a private citizen up to a quarter of a million dollars for speaking negatively about white people? We are creating a society in which free-born Americans are going to be living in fear that what they say might be subjected to legislation like the Anti-Semitism Awareness Act. If this isn’t stopped now, more will soon follow. One has only to glance at Europe if one wants the proof.
Censorship is so out of control we have essentially been reduced to dealing “hate facts” and truth on the black market through underground tunnels, ensuring we don’t tip off the Stasi.
Do you think the Left would be very pleased if we reversed the roles for a change? Maybe it is time we lobby for anti-Anglo, anti-Celtic, anti-Russo, anti-Slavic, anti-Nordic, anti-Hellenic, anti-Native, anti-Saxon, anti-Orthodox, and anti-Christian laws — that is to say, laws against anything anti-white. Maybe once Liberals start facing investigation, fines, and jail, once their names are smeared merely because they have the wrong opinion about the wrong people, maybe then they will understand the totalitarian intolerance of their ways. In America, whites and Christians are fair game for criticism and mockery, yet everybody else is off limits. In fact, that is precisely how some “entertainers” have made their entire living. Everybody else is a part of some protected “minority” class, but the war on whites rages on.
I am beyond weary of their insolence. I am tired of foreigners coming to America, foreigners who have no connection to this land or people, foreigners who take advantage of the nation our ancestors built, using its own best qualities to destroy it in their attempt to rebuild a new nation in their image. If “anti-Semitism” is so bad, go home to Israel. If “Islamophobia” is so awful in America and Europe, go back to one of the fifty Muslim caliphates in the desert.
The idea of making it illegal for Americans to say whatever they want about anybody they want is an insurrection against the people native to this nation. Those who agitate for laws to protect any groups other than the ancestors of the people who built this nation should be immediately deported via helicopter. Jews are not the heirs to this land. Arabs and Muslims are not the heirs to this land. Africans are not the heirs to this land. Mexicans are not the heirs to this land. I am. We are. And I am sick of people trying to tell me what I can and cannot say in my own homeland.
An identical pattern repeats itself time and time again: a group of aliens migrate to a new nation; they play the victim; they complain that they are being discriminated against, that they are not well enough represented in government. The government in question acquiesces to their every demand. Then, once they possess a large enough percentage of the population or a strong enough influence, they vote their own group into power, and begin to pass laws granting themselves special immunities and privileges, heedless of the effects on the previous culture, or the erosion of the rights of the peoples who built these nations.
Advocating or passing “hate speech” laws or making it especially illegal to criticize one group, is fundamentally un-American, anti-Western, and inherently unequal. It flies in the face of true equality. Equality means we are all the same in the eyes of the law and of God. It does not mean that saying “All I want for Christmas is White Genocide” should be legal, while saying “All I want for Christmas is [Insert ethic or religions group here] Genocide” should be punishable. Either they are both accepted, or neither is: that is true equality.
The quantity of mainstream articles favoring censorship laws is illuminating. The outlets that produce them are not in the business of truth or honesty. They are interested in selling a very particular narrative. With the rise of the internet and independent media outlets, the Ministry of Truth is squirming to find a way to bury the truth.
Because Liberals cannot refute the facts or logic of our arguments, their only recourse becomes censorship. The Left sees too much danger in laying out the facts; it is threatened by the prospect of allowing people to make up their own minds.
Liberal narratives are eternally hollow and held up only by lies. The truth fears no investigation, and has no need of the crutch of censorship.
Silence or Violence
For quite some time now Liberals have resorted to simple name calling as a means to win arguments. Their ideas are weak and fragile. Factual reality weighs so heavily on their narrative that it would collapse at once in the added pressure of reasonable debate. To circumvent the onerous duty of actually proving their case, they label anybody who disagrees with them as sexist, racist, bigoted, homophobic, Islamophobic, antisemitic, transphobic, misogynistic — the list goes on and on. This tactic used to work well because of the social stigma attached to these terms. Liberals took full advantage of this, silencing dissident opinions with a label, thus forcing their interlocutors to defend themselves, rather than focusing on the argument and the facts at hand. This worked wonders for the Left. It did not need to defend its grotesque and harmful immigration policies, because its adversaries were too busy defending their character, explaining how they are not in fact racist, assuring everyone ad nauseam of how many black friends they had.
As the Right has caught onto this tired game, it has stopped being so effective; thus, the Liberals have moved on to the next level: when screaming “BIGOT!” and screeching horrifically at the top of their lungs fails to silence dissenters, violence is the natural next move in the Liberal strategy. The Left justifies violence against its political foes in a simple, two-step process.
First, it equates its opposition — that is, anyone who stands anywhere to the Right of Lenin — to generally despised historical figures or groups, like the KKK or the Nazis.
Second, it asserts that violence against groups like the KKK and the Nazis is in all cases inherently justified.
There’s some sleight of hand going on here we must bring to light. The term “racist” and “Nazi” are now so loosely defined by the Left, the political spectrum has shifted so far its way, that anybody who is not willing to give up his nation to hordes of Third World invaders, pass hate speech laws on a whim, and limit gun rights, immediately becomes a racist and a Nazi. Liberals have moved so far into their collectivist group-thinking hive-mind, that merely wanting to enforce current immigration laws, makes you Himmler. That means you too, you who are presently reading this work of blasphemy against the Liberal god, have furnished enough evidence that the communist Left can label you a Nazi, and act accordingly.
There is a slogan I’ve seen online and on signs of protesters that read, “Make racists afraid again!” And how is the Left going to go about this? The same way it always has. The same way every Leftist regime has through history. With extreme violence.
During protests, the neo-KPD, based on the Antifaschistische Aktion group, known as Antifa can be frequently seen bearing a banner that reads, “The only good fascist is a dead one.” The alarming part of this is that the Left has long openly declared Donald Trump a fascist, as well as all the nearly 63,000,000 people who voted for him. Logically meaning — they want us all dead. Not only has the ADL and SPLC covered for Antifa, but CNN has as well. CNN ran a piece about the group which claimed that Antifa “seeks peace through violence.” NBC interviewed Dartmouth professor Bray, who explained the “ethics” of Antifa and their violent actions. Professor Bray defended and justified the virulent group, equating violence against the Right with “self-defense.”66
The media, the press, and academia make these claims, thinking people will take them seriously, perhaps will even support political violence against us. But what are these Antifa even fighting for? Billion dollar corporations do not condemn them; in fact, they cover for them. Nor does the ADL, SPLC, or any Liberal politician disavow them. This Antifa claims to be the “resistance,” yet every major organization, university, corporation, media outlet, and celebrity supports its messages and goals.
The truth is that the members of this “resistance” serve as the useful idiots for the international Left. It is painfully clear that they are fighting against us as a people. The Left fight
s for a debased democracy in which hordes of invaders on welfare have just as much a vote as those of us whose ancestors built these great nations. They fight for more mindless egalitarianism to achieve their debased pseudo-democracy; they fight for more ugliness, more disorder; they fight to destroy everything good and beautiful. They are fighting to censor us, disarm us, cheat us. Finally, they are fighting to orchestrate our eradication. They are fighting for a Final Solution to the White Problem.
The reason nobody on the Left will denounce Antifa is very simple. They share one and the same end goal. Antifa is simply the “street” division of the SPLC, the ADL, and the press. Every Leftists organization is moving in the same direction: against us and our people.
As the prevailing media, press, and politicians rush to defend the anarcho-communists, any whites that organize, hold rallies, and advocate for the interest of their people are violently shut down, de-platformed, and made into pariahs. They are called “terrorists” and “supremacists,” in the total absence of supporting evidence, while Antifa and BLM burn entire cities, and nary a negative word uttered in reply. But when a white man advocates for his people, the world comes to a standstill. The real crime these whites seemed to have universally committed was being white, articulate, racially consciousness, and fighting for their people, when nobody else would. Simply wanting to opt-out of the massively failed experiment of multiculturalism is now grounds for accusations of terrorism.